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Creating Attachment

Caseworker: We think she may have Reactive Attachment Disorder. Me: What does that mean exactly? Her: She may never make a real attachment to you. She may never be a "normal kid". I laid there that night (all night) after having this conversation with our caseworker searching everything I could find on RAD. The first articles to come up weren't very promising. Names like "Timothy McVeigh" and "Jeffrey Dahmer" started popping up. We were pretty new to foster care at the time but I knew that there would be some sort of attachment issues with any child who has experienced the trauma of being removed from a parent, whether there was additional trauma or not. In our girl's case they had experienced very little human interaction when they were in the care of their biological parents. This lack of human contact is extremely dangerous to the brain of a young child. The things that most parents do naturally such as cuddling & eye contact a

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